Tuesday, February 2, 2010

VS Battle anyone?

From Carnage Heart Revival
How are things coming along Watson? My guess Oke Doke has something(s) on the work table.

For the first VS Battle I propose a Level 1 OKE tournament . This would be a trial run before we move on to entering the higher level bad boys. Initially I was going to suggest a no upgrade class with the Prowler- using only the default weapons that are available at the start of the game OR
Any OKE with any weapon as long as its a Level 1.

Which one do you prefer guys ?

Oke Doke - is that a memory card save on that link you posted? I'm looking fwd to anyones game save no matter how good or bad it is just to try out for loading to the PC ( and keep the game interesting at my end. )

edit - I just loaded your memory card. I should of tried it before asking. Thanks.


  1. It may be a while before I finish the game (too many other things going on), but I still have my old saved games and I'm obviously far enough in the new one to make level 1 OKEs.

    Just let me know what kind of competition you're going for and I'll make sure that I have something that can compete.

  2. Allot of things on the way on my end.
    -I'm in the process of transcribing the CH Depot programs onto a gamesave. So when we start battling at higher levels they are available.
    -Cleaning up the OKE site The unit deployment form and everything works but may need improvement. (for example, the class-by-level system is wrong) and I added some early fan art to the Design page. Suggestions for the site are welcome.

    I like the idea of keeping it simple to start.
    maybe we can just battle level by level. I'll put up a level 1 Unit within 24 hours.

    Sorry for the early morning comments btw. I'm in Denmark. :s

  3. Ok lets follow the tried and true K.I.S.S. rule.

    VS Battle Exhibition:
    Level 1 , prowler, no upgrades. This is fine with me. Also will give OKE Doke a chance to tweek his site, and watson to continue progressing though the levels and eventually purchase the big guns etc.

    Name the save game files with "...level1noUP" or something like that just to make it easier to find when sorting out the files for VS battle. ( speedystevieCHlevel1noUP )

    Sound ok with you guys?

    BTW - okedoke your two flying oke's on that save you posted kick ass.

    I'll post my save in the next day or two.

    I'm in Maple Ontario Canada. Its 1:30am ...damn, another late CH night.

  4. Thanks, those flying OKE programs are now outdated. There where some flaws with mine avoidance and boundary detection (always a pain, a chip conflict causing the dreaded safety dance of death in corners.

    BTW if you don't wish to bother playing the game. (Gasp!) I've got everything unlocked on this card.


    every card is a clean slate. Enjoy.

  5. Hey Speedy, the 180carnagetest.bin does not want to load on my emulators. They either show up as blank or unformatted. It could just be an issue on my side. Just FYI.

  6. I'll re post it tonight, Do the others work?

  7. Not sure if this idea will work - Rename the .bin extension to the one thats in your save you posted. I'm using psX 1.13 , thats what I see generated in my save files.

  8. I tried some other .bin files they work fine. downloaded the 180 again. and reads as unformatted. After formatting it works well as an empty card. so I can use the .bin format.

    - tried it on another, emulator, computer. same results. could be a tiny error my emulators are confused about.
    Try opening the game and saving it to a freshly formatted card file. that should repair the game save.

  9. I'll repost a working file later tonight.
    Was that the file I sent you or the one on my carnage file share site.
    Most likely I did something wrong cuz last night when I was trying your game save I ran across another of my saves that gave me problems.

  10. It was from your site. no rush really.

    I was testing out a program for the level 1 oke against one of your cards CARD-5 "Larry" i think. All my units could do was eat buckshot. lol great design!

  11. My Level 1 no upgrade unit is ready.



  12. OKE Doke
    I finally replaced the corrupted 180 oke file.
    Do you mind replacing the file I sent you ( 3 x 180 ) with this one:

    and run the VS Battles, see how it goes.

  13. The first VS battle is uploading to youtube.
    I'll Anotate it, and post the link once its finished.

    The simulation is really stable. Results are easily repeatable. Down to every single hit. One can easily time and script the camera movement.

  14. In the mean time here is the raw, un-annotated video.

  15. 3 k/o's ....ouch

    That turned out great. What app did you use to record?
    Also - are you using pSX or ePSXe ? I just got ePSXe working but have not ran a game on it yet.

    I think the " 3 Stooges " on that card you downloaded have a couple lvl 1 no ups in the first few slots IIR ( I'm at work now )
    Curious to see how they work. Each one is a little different program as well as the primary weapon.

    I had a quick look at your site last night too , its really coming along nicely - great job Doke.

  16. I used something i stumbled on called Debute, not really happy with it though. stupid audio as usual. managed to rig my mic to my audio out.

    I ran several test recordings with both pSX and EPSXE. this one was with pSX,
    The final youtube version is here.

    I hope to try recording at a higher resolution nex time. it seems to run smother with epsxe and a graphics plugin. need to fiddle more.

  17. Alright, I took my basic OKE and reverted it to level 1 with no upgrades.

    The file can be found on my new Google site (which doesn't allow me nearly the kind of management control I would like for a web site) at http://sites.google.com/site/watsoncarnageheart/

  18. I agree Watson, I like the concept of a live wysiwyg. but Google sites is not quite there yet.
    I'm using forms/spreadsheets to try to compensate with some reasonable results. Though its a temporary solution.
    OverKill Engineer will likely be moved to an ftp server in the future. Google is good for the hassle free storage though.

    Thanks for posting your OKE, may I add it to the OKE Battle Trakker? (must find a better name for that)

  19. Go ahead. I have no special reason to be the only one hosting it.

  20. this thread is getting looong. anywhoo, here's vid no# 2. using epsxe at a higher quality.


  21. I'm glad to see that I finally have something to compete against even at this level. I've never actually bothered creating too advanced of a program at low levels because the game itself is really easy.

    Anyway, you can count on me coming up with a response to 180 OKE eventually. As for now, great job.
