Thursday, January 28, 2010

Game Save File Share

I thought it would be a good to start this thread to further discuss the sharing files and such that we mentioned on the 180 oke thread.
Here is a thought. - Since we are registered to blogger we are also able to create our own google site, This is where I have the Artdink and "my first OKE" files for sharing. Check out my OKE page and tell me what you think.
Also ,I'm curious to know if the two files I mentioned actually work.


  1. aka o0Soule0o
    hey we think alike. :

  2. Thumbs up

    your account name - lol, good one.

    Question: What app are you using to record the battles. I have an old version of FRAPS. Anything else out there worth checking out? I just reviewed some FRAP recordings from CH battles but have no sound when I played it back on VLC player. I'm uploading one vid right now on youtube - 427mb .avi ( 4hrs to go...zzzzzz ) as a test. btw my vids on youtube are under "turbowtie" usename if you want to check later.

  3. right, the demo recorder on epsxe has no sound either. plus the quality is crap. just googling around there seems to be plenty of good options.

    i'm leaning to CamStudio. i like the sound of built in AVI to SWF.

  4. Finally uploaded a test vid. I had to convert the fraps .avi file as it was too big and required hrs to upload. Used VLC to convert to h.264 then upload and went live in minutes.

    This is one of the Artdink OKEs vs one of my Frankensteins . Got my ass handed to me.

    not the greatest quality though. I'll check out CamStudio this weekend.

  5. don't mind the audio, it would just be zap-cerklunk-zap-cerklunk, anyway. Just slap some Pornophonique on it.

  6. The VS Battle table is ready to receive Units for Deployment. It took a crash course in spreadsheet formulas. but the result is worth it. I'll give collaboration privileges to anyone who wants to upload their memorycards to the new page.

  7. Looks fantastic Doke. Added link to your site.
    I saw some of your comments on the few CH vids on Youtube. I sent a msg to those who are familiar with the game to check out this site. Hope to get more folks on board.

  8. CamStudio Test. Recorded on default settings.
    I downloaded the VictoryMage from your overkillengineer site and put it up against my 180. Hard to tell the oke's apart, both are same colour. The 180 has a single missile ( red on the radar ) and VicMage ( green ) has 8pack rockets.
    I'll try different codec options.

  9. Great to see the sharing methods working. I'll work on inputting the rest of the Fan Programs onto a game save. the email form works like a charm. i've added the first collaborator. hoping to see more fans come on board.
